Public Sector

Towards good Governance and Transparency
With a multidisciplinary approach, Mazars offers transversal solutions to face with success the different specific challenges of the central, autonomic and local Administration, and of its dependent corporations, as well as of universities and other educational institutions and non-profit entities.


Public sector’s companies and institutions, as in the private sector, must tackle, within the current economic and business environment, numerous challenges which lead to the transformation of their processes and structures.

Two areas are particularly important for the public sector’s institutions and companies: transparency and the good Corporate Governance. The increased requirements from the different stakeholders –citizenship, regulators, legislators – compel institutions and companies managed with public funds to be impeccable from the standpoint of their governance and transparency.

Additionally, recent regulation changes –and those foreseen at the short term– will have an important impact in the sector. The Regulatory Development of art. 213 of the Local Tax Office Act, which opens doors to external auditors’ recurrent collaboration with the Local Administration to perform audits and taxation duties, or the Compliance with ISO Standards and Service Letters as management instruments in the Public Administration, which constitute instruments through which citizens and users are informed about their entrusted services, are only a few examples.


Audit and Taxation

  • Audit of Annual Accounts.
  • Audit of Compliance with Law (general, public procurement, personnel, assignments…).
  • Operational and Management Audit (public services, concessions…).
  • Assistance to subsequent full taxation and financial control of the prior limited taxation system.
  • Assistance in local consolidation (training in consolidation methodology, support in the elaboration of consolidated accounts).
  • Reports on agreed-upon procedures.

Subsidies, Grants and Good Governance

  • Auditor’s reports on grants and verifications of European Funds.
  • Auditor’s reports of international cooperation grants (in Spain and in Field).
  • Technical Assistance (to public and private donors) in the design and evaluation of Aids Tenders, Awards, Strategic Planning, SCR, grants’ follow-up and control. Social Memoranda.
  • Impact (and results) evaluations of international cooperation and social action projects and actions in Spain. Elaboration of Baselines and monitoring systems.
  • Assistance for institutional strengthening: Diagnosis, Planning, Training, Social Memoranda.
  • Transparency and whistleblowing reports.

Risk management

  • Risk corporate framework (definition and implementation).
  • Risk mapping (elaboration and implementation of process, risk and control mappings).
  • Control audit (support to the control and internal audit function).
  • Fraud management (prevention and detection systems, warning system, whistleblowing channel).

Information systems

  • IT governance (Security Master Plan, Certification ISO27001, RLOPD, National Security System).
  • Continuity services (Business Continuity Plan, IT Contingency Plan).
  • Audit and control.
  • Data governance and quality.

Legal advice

  • Personal data protection.
  • Licences (administrative authorizations and activity licences, installations and mandatory works to implement and develop estates’ uses and occupation...).
  • Urbanism and land planning.
  • Forced expropriation, appraisals and reversion files.
  • Public tenders (elaboration of specifications and their defence, advice to Contracting Desks, advice and defence of awards as well as in the execution and termination of contracts, price reviews...).

Other services

  • Compliance with ISO Standards and Service Letters as Public Administration’s management instruments.
  • Customer experience.
  • Corporate Treasury Services.
  • Training.